By Eun Byoul Oh
Patriotic Deed of Lee Bong Chang
On January 8, 1932, Korean Patriotic Organization’s (한인애국단)’s member, Lee Bong Chang, threw a grenade at Japanese Emperor Hirohito, the emperor of Japan at the time. The incident is referred to as 이봉창 의거, the Patriotic Deed of Lee Bong Chang. The assassination attempt failed and Lee was promptly arrested, and was executed. Koreans remember the incident as one of the major attempts of the independence leaders to achieve liberty for Korea.
Lee Bong Chang was an interesting figure because Lee initially wanted to blend in as Japanese during the Japanese occupation of Korea. He took a Japanese name - Kinoshita Shoichi (木下昌一) - in hopes to become one of the “New Japanese” (신일본인). However, Lee realized that blending into Japanese society was delusional when he got detained and imprisoned for 10 days for having a letter with Hangul (한글) written on it. Lee then became a member of the paramilitary independence organization, Korean Patriotic Organization, led by Kim Ku.
The organization was funded by the Hawaii Patriotic Organization (하와이 애국단), a Korean independence movement organization founded in Hawaii. The fundings of the Hawaii Patriotic Organization was used to carry out Lee’s assassination attempts. Among the leaders of the Hawaii Patriotic Organization was Dosan Ahn Chang Ho, the pioneer of Korean Immigration, and the head of YKA (Young Korean Academy). The first generation of the Korean-American community funded independence movements in Korea.
Lee’s famous words with Kim Ku translates are the following:
“인생의 목적이 쾌락이라면 지난 31년 동안 육신의 쾌락은 대강 맛보았습니다."
If the goal of our lives is to attain pleasure, I have tasted enough bodily pleasure for 31 years of life.
"이제는 영원한 쾌락을 꿈꾸며 우리 독립 사업에 헌신할 목적으로 상하이에 왔습니다”
I came to Shanghai now to sacrifice for the independence of Korea dreaming to attain pleasure for eternity.
The Youtube channel of Paradox Studios has re-enacted the incident. The video includes fictional characters and fictional elements.